Introduction of cell

What is cell___The cell is the structural and functional basic unit of the living tissues. A cell is made up of the following structure.

* The study of cell is called  :  Cytology

*The word 'cell ' is in first time by : Robert Hook in year 1665.

*The theory of cell is given by  : Schneiden and Schwann.

There are two types of cell

1.Procaryotic cell 

2.Eucaryotic cell

There are many parts of cell

  1. Cell wall
  2. Cell membrane
  3. Centrosome
  4. Endoplasmic reticulum
  5. Ribosomes
  6. Mitochondria
  7. Golgi body 
  8. Lysosome
  9. Plastids
  10. Vacuoles
  11. Nucleus